Think of your notebook as a companion and take it with you everywhere you go. Record the things you see and new ideas that come to your mind. Write them, draw them, develop these thoughts. Be the artist. Be creative. Be passionate. Turn your life into a piece of art!
thINKme® is unique in its form and style, combining excellent quality, individual character and care for the environment. Do you like notebooks that are plain and simple or highly decorative? Black, red, pink? Lined or squared? We have them all!
Set your ideas free in original way and make your life art!
Experience, passion for creation, sensitivity to upcoming trends, as well as thorough observation of our clients' needs make us go one step further. We decided that we want to accompany people in moments worth remembering. In those fragments of reality that make up the art of living. We want to be part of those moments, providing the right background for the situations, thoughts and words that are created. We want people to feel that every day can be full of positive inspiration, that every day we can learn something new and experience good emotions. We encourage you to observe this and record it. To take note. Like a perfect recipe or a recipe for a happy life.
This was our idea when we decided to create the thINKme notebook brand. Unique in its cover, form and style. Combining practicality, quality and individuality, both for its users and for its design. After all, thINKme is a small revolution in thinking, in lifestyle, in wearing. It is an attempt to raise awareness of how beautifully one can create one's life and how to capture the transience of moments. Everyone can become an artist from time to time. And if you want to live life in a valuable way, you should be. Making life art!